Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pops Saw a Movie: PEARL

 I didn’t love Ti West’s X, but liked it enough to dig into its prequel, PEARL (2022). And I don’t think I’ve been this mesmerized by a horror film (if you can call it that) since THE VVITCH. Mia Goth (who also co-wrote the screenplay) is absolutely incredible as the title character, trapped in a life of obligation and drudgery on her family farm while her husband is off fighting WWI overseas. Pearl is desperate (very) to find fame and fortune (and freedom) by becoming a dancer in the movies, but when things don’t go according to plan, the emotionally damaged Pearl doesn’t take it well. 

West’s previous work in film and TV has indicated an affinity for retro filmmaking and horror, but PEARL is something that simultaneously feels both old and new. I can’t wait to watch X and this back to back (and then see the final film in the trilogy, MaXXXine).

Originally posted on social media, July 17, 2023

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