Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pops Read a Book: LAST WORDS: A MEMOIR

 I just finished LAST WORDS: A MEMOIR by George Carlin (with Tony Hendra, whom you may know as Spinal Tap’s manager, Ian Faith), a posthumous autobiography (hey, if anyone could do it, it’s Carlin) that’s heavy on the nostalgia (particularly of his youth) and at times a wee bit pretentious (there are way too many references to his “art”). I think the most revelatory thing was Carlin admitting what a terrible adult he was, avoiding responsibilities and obligations if they weren’t fun, digging himself into holes that took a long time to climb out of (and needing a co-author to write his own memoir).

TBH, Carlin’s work is very hit-or-miss for me, some of his bits feeling a bit forced, while others (such as “the Planet is Fine”) being things I quote on a weekly basis. But this book definitely made me understand the man a bit better, and it’s recommended to anyone who’s a fan even in the slightest.

Originally posted on social media, Dec. 3, 2023

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