Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pops Read a Book: THE NEXT CIVIL WAR

 Forget Frankenstein, The Exorcist, or The Shining, Canadian journalist Stephen Marche’s THE NEXT CIVIL WAR (Avid Reader Press, 2022) is the most terrifying book I’ve ever read.

Presenting five possible scenarios for the downfall of American democracy (and, really, the end of society as we know it), Marche mixes empirical data, expert testimony, and evocative fictional scenarios in a powerful work of “speculative non-fiction” that should make anyone who brushes off the by-products of the Trump era think twice (or maybe even once). And Marche agrees that the two main culprits are climate change and the Internet, two things that aren't going away.

Critics of the book accuse Marche of being hyperbolic and playing into the kind of partisan division the book decries, but that’s the point… we’re at a tipping point not just in America, but by default, the entire world, and way too many people are simply not taking it seriously. This book has caused me severe depression and anxiety, but I just couldn’t put it down. Only time will tell how prescient this work of horror actually is.

Originally posted on social media, March 18, 2024

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