Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Chameleon Club Schedules 1987

Continuing my posting of the show schedules I did for Lancaster PA's Chameleon Club in the 1980s and '90s... Here's 1987, including that time when we doubled up the months to save paper? I guess? Also, introducing the mercifully short-lived mascot IGGY, the new wave loving human Chameleon hybrid...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Chameleon Club Schedules 1986

In 1986, I began slinging drinks (as a cocktail waiter and sometimes beer bartender when sold out shows required a secondary, bottles-only bar) at Lancaster's Chameleon Club, then located at 317 N. Christian Street (formerly known as the Back Room) behind Tom Paine's restaurant in downtown Lancaster, PA. Rich Ruoff had bought the club and hired me to do the bar schedules as well, which I continued to do for the next decade.

Being the anal-retentive archivist that I am, I naturally held onto all of these schedules, which I've decided to post here (despite being mortified by most of the artwork) by year, starting with May 1986, when I started hand lettering all this stuff. As the years progress, you will see more and more recognizable bands, some of which may surprise you, some of which may jog the memory, some of which may incur eye rolling! Stay tuned, I'll be posting a year a week for the next two months... and then we'll be moving on to the next legendary rock club where I both served the drinks and the artwork...